Is it safe to travel to Zambia in 2024?

Overall Safety Score: 62

Visiting Zambia, a Southern African nation known for its wildlife-rich national parks and stunning Victoria Falls, becomes an enriching experience when you prioritize safety during your travel. From the safari adventures in South Luangwa and Lower Zambezi to the cultural encounters with the local tribes and the scenic beauty of Lake Kariba, Zambia offers a distinctive set of tourist attractions. This guide not only addresses safety concerns but also encourages you to explore the natural beauty and cultural richness that await you in this inspiring country.

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Travel Risk Levels Zambia

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Overall Risk Zambia: Medium

Zambia offers breathtaking natural beauty and wildlife. However, travelers should exercise standard precautions, particularly in urban areas.

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Transport and Taxi Risk Zambia: Medium

While Zambia's main roads are in good condition, secondary roads can be challenging. Opt for reputable taxi companies when in cities.

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Pickpocket Risk Zambia: Medium

In crowded places like markets or bus stations in Zambia, there's a risk of pickpocketing. Stay vigilant and secure your belongings.

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Physical Crime Risk Zambia: Medium

Muggings and robberies can occur, especially after dark in Zambia. Avoid isolated areas and always walk in groups at night.

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Natural Disaster Risk Zambia: Low

Zambia's primary natural disaster risk comes from seasonal floods. Always check weather conditions if traveling during the rainy season.

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Terrorism Risk Zambia: Low

There's minimal reported risk of terrorism in Zambia, but always stay updated on the local news and avoid large gatherings.

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Scams Risk Zambia: Medium

Watch out for overpriced goods or services targeting tourists. Always agree on a price before accepting any service in Zambia.

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Women Travelers Risk Zambia: Medium

While Zambia is relatively safe for women travelers, it's advisable to avoid traveling alone at night and always respect local dress codes.

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Tap Water Risk Zambia: Medium

It's recommended to drink bottled or boiled water in Zambia to avoid potential waterborne diseases.

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Public Behavior Risk Zambia: Low

Zambians are friendly and respectful. Loud or inappropriate behavior, especially in rural areas, might be frowned upon.

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LGBTQ Acceptance Risk Zambia: High

Homosexuality is criminalized in Zambia, and public displays of same-sex affection can attract legal penalties. Discretion is strongly advised.

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Police and Officials Corruption Risk Zambia: Medium

While many officials are honest, some instances of corruption or bribery might occur. Always follow local laws and regulations.

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Business Risk Zambia: Medium

Doing business in Zambia can be rewarding, but understanding local customs and regulations is essential. Delays can be common, so patience is a virtue.

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An example of something bad that can happen travelling to Zambia

The Unexpected Challenge: Malaria Prophylaxis in Zambia

While Zambia beckons many with its natural beauty, it also presents a common challenge for travelers: the risk of malaria.

Maurice was drawn to Zambia's national parks in hopes of capturing its diverse ecosystem on film. In preparation for his trip, he researched extensively, packing all the recommended gear. However, he missed one crucial detail: malaria prophylaxis.

After a week of trekking through the wilderness, Maurice began to experience fatigue, fever, and chills. Concerned, he sought medical advice from a nearby clinic, where he was diagnosed with malaria. Despite having taken all other recommended precautions, like using mosquito nets and repellent, he had neglected to take preventative medication.

Thankfully, after a course of treatment, Maurice made a full recovery. He extended his trip to continue his photography, but this time with an added layer of protection against the disease. His experience served as a stark reminder of the importance of comprehensive health precautions when traveling.

For those considering a trip to Zambia or other malaria-prone regions, it's essential to consult with a healthcare professional about the necessary vaccinations and medications. Preparation can be the difference between an unforgettable travel experience and an unexpected health scare.

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Safe Places

Be advised this list does not advise the cities/towns are safe for all tourists, safety is still relative to the country itself.

What are the safest places to visit in Zambia?

  • Lusaka: The capital and largest city, known for its modern buildings and local markets.
  • Livingstone: Gateway to Victoria Falls and offers numerous adventure activities.
  • South Luangwa National Park: Famous for its wildlife diversity and walking safaris.
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Travel Tips

Useful Tips When Travelling to Zambia

Currency: Zambia's official currency is the Zambian Kwacha (ZMW). While credit cards are accepted at major hotels and restaurants, it's advisable to carry cash, especially in rural areas.

Language: English is the official language and is widely spoken. Bemba, Nyanja, and Tonga are among the main local languages. Learning a few local phrases can be appreciated.

Historical Sites: The Victoria Falls, locally known as "Mosi-oa-Tunya" (The Smoke That Thunders), is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a must-visit. The David Livingstone Memorial and the Lusaka National Museum offer historical insights.

Visas: Depending on your nationality, you may need a visa to enter Zambia. Visas can be obtained at the airport upon arrival or in advance from Zambian embassies or consulates. Ensure to check the current visa requirements before traveling.

Local Etiquette: Zambians are known for their hospitality. It's polite to greet people before engaging in conversation. Dress modestly, especially when visiting rural areas or religious sites.

Top Attractions: Beyond Victoria Falls, Zambia offers numerous national parks, such as South Luangwa and Lower Zambezi, where one can experience a diverse range of African wildlife. The Kuomboka Ceremony is a traditional festival worth witnessing if visiting during the right season.

Connectivity: Internet access is improving, especially in urban areas. Buying a local SIM card from providers like MTN, Airtel, or Zamtel can offer better rates for data and calls.

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Annual weather in Lusaka, Zambia

Zambia has a tropical climate with hot, humid weather all year round. Best to visit during the dry season (May to October).

Month Temp. (°C) Temp. (°F) Rainy Days
January 16/26 60.8/78.8 21
February 16/26 60.8/78.8 15
March 15/27 59/80.6 8
April 13/26 55.4/78.8 2
May 9/25 48.2/77 0
June 7/23 44.6/73.4 0
July 7/24 44.6/75.2 0
August 9/26 48.2/78.8 0
September 12/29 53.6/84.2 1
October 15/30 59/86 4
November 16/29 60.8/84.2 12
December 16/27 60.8/80.6 20

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