Is it safe to travel to Amsterdam in 2024?

Overall Safety Score: 88

There are over a dozen risk factors to determine whether it is safe to travel to Amsterdam, including but not limited to physical crime, petty crime like pickpocketing, natural disasters, scams and behavioural risks.
Amsterdam the captivating capital of the Netherlands, is renowned for its historic canals, vibrant art scene, and bustling bicycle culture. As tourists plan their exploration of this unique city, from the Van Gogh Museum to the Anne Frank House, they often seek clarity on safety issues, asking ‘Is Amsterdam safe?’ and wondering ‘Is Amsterdam dangerous for tourists?’, especially when considering its busy urban environment and lively nightlife.

In this guide, we provide essential safety information for Amsterdam. We highlight the importance of bicycle safety in a city known for its cycling, advise on staying aware of your belongings in crowded tourist areas like the Red Light District, and offer tips on safely navigating the city’s renowned café culture and nightlife. With this advice, visitors can fully immerse themselves in Amsterdam’s rich cultural tapestry and distinctive urban charm, ensuring a secure and enjoyable experience in this iconic European capital.

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Travel Risk Levels Amsterdam

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Overall Risk Amsterdam: Low

Monaco offers a high level of safety for travelers, with its well-policed and secure environment. However, due to its affluent nature, it’s wise to remain vigilant.

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Transport and Taxi Risk Amsterdam: Low

Transport and taxis in Monaco are very reliable and safe. It’s rare to encounter issues with licensed taxi drivers or public transport.

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Pickpocket Risk Amsterdam: High

Pickpocketing risk is relatively low, but it’s prudent to be cautious in tourist-heavy areas, such as near the casino or during major events like the Grand Prix.

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Physical Crime Risk Amsterdam: Low

Monaco has an extremely low rate of violent crime. The principality’s strong police presence and security measures contribute to this safety record.

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Natural Disaster Risk Amsterdam: Low

Natural disaster risk in Monaco is minimal, but like any coastal area, it can be affected by severe weather conditions like storms.

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Terrorism Risk Amsterdam: Low

Terrorism risk is low, but in today’s global climate, it’s advisable to stay alert, particularly during large public events.

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Scams Risk Amsterdam: Medium

Scams are not common, but high-end areas may have overpriced services. Be cautious of overly friendly individuals offering unsolicited help or services.

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Women Travelers Risk Amsterdam: Low

Monaco is generally very safe for women travelers. Usual precautions for solo travel in any urban area are advisable.

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Tap Water Risk Amsterdam: Low

Tap water in Monaco is safe to drink, but visitors may prefer bottled water due to taste preference.

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Public Behavior Risk Amsterdam: Low

Public behavior that respects local customs and etiquette is expected. Rowdy or disrespectful behavior, especially in upscale areas, is frowned upon.

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LGBTQ Acceptance Risk Amsterdam: Low

Monaco is welcoming to LGBTQ travelers, with an open and accepting attitude prevalent in the principality.

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Police and Officials Corruption Risk Amsterdam: Low

Police and officials in Monaco are professional and corruption is not a common concern for travelers.

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Business Risk Amsterdam: Low

Business in Monaco is conducted with a mix of formality and sophistication. Understanding local business etiquette and regulatory compliance is key for successful dealings.

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Travel FAQs for Amsterdam

Is Amsterdam safe for tourists?

Amsterdam is generally safe for tourists. It's known for being a welcoming and tolerant city. However, like in any major city, visitors should exercise standard precautions such as being aware of pickpockets in busy areas and being cautious at night.

Are there any particular areas of Amsterdam that are considered unsafe?

Most of Amsterdam is safe for tourists. Some areas may feel less comfortable at night, but they are not necessarily dangerous. It's advisable to stay alert in areas that are less busy, especially late at night.

What are the safest districts to stay in Amsterdam?

Popular neighborhoods like the Jordaan, De Pijp, and the area around the Museumplein are safe and tourist-friendly. The city center, including the Canal Ring, is also a safe choice with plenty of accommodations.

Are police officers and emergency services in Amsterdam responsive?

The police and emergency services in Amsterdam are efficient and responsive. Visitors can dial the European emergency number 112 for urgent assistance.

Is there a tourist police service in Amsterdam or any support service for tourists who experience crime?

Amsterdam does not have a specific tourist police force, but the local police are accustomed to assisting tourists. In case of theft or other crimes, tourists can report to any police station or seek help from their hotel.

What medical services are available for tourists in Amsterdam?

Amsterdam has excellent medical services. There are numerous clinics and hospitals where tourists can receive medical care. It's advisable for visitors to have travel health insurance.

Do I need any particular vaccinations before going to Amsterdam?

There are no special vaccination requirements for Amsterdam. However, travelers should be up to date on routine vaccinations. Check with a healthcare provider for advice before traveling.

How do I access a pharmacy or a doctor in Amsterdam if I need one?

Pharmacies are widely available throughout Amsterdam. For medical assistance, tourists can visit a general practitioner (huisarts) or a medical center. Hotels can often provide recommendations and assistance in finding medical services.

What should I do if I find myself near a demonstration when in Amsterdam?

If you encounter a demonstration in Amsterdam, it's best to maintain a safe distance. Most demonstrations in the city are peaceful, but they can sometimes cause disruptions in traffic and public transportation.

How can I ensure my accommodation is in a safe area of Amsterdam?

Choosing accommodations in well-known neighborhoods like the Jordaan, De Pijp, the city center, or near major tourist attractions is advisable. These areas are generally safe and offer convenient access to the city's highlights.

Are nightclubs and late-night venues in Amsterdam safe?

The nightlife in Amsterdam is vibrant and generally safe. However, visitors should be mindful of their surroundings, take care of personal belongings, and avoid unlicensed taxis. It's recommended to stay in well-lit, populated areas.

Is it safe to walk back to my accommodation at night?

Walking at night in Amsterdam, especially in central areas, is usually safe. However, it's advisable to stay alert and stick to well-lit and busier streets. Using public transport or a licensed taxi is a good option late at night.

What facilities are available for children's safety in Amsterdam?

Amsterdam is a family-friendly city with many attractions suitable for children. Parks, museums, and public spaces are generally safe for kids, but parental supervision is always recommended, especially near canals and busy streets.

Are there any specific areas in Amsterdam or attractions that are not recommended for children?

Most attractions in Amsterdam are child-friendly. However, the Red Light District may not be suitable for young children, especially at night. Parents should use discretion when visiting certain areas of the city.

Is it safe to cycle around Amsterdam?

Cycling is one of the best ways to explore Amsterdam. The city is well-equipped with bike lanes and cycling infrastructure. Tourists should follow local cycling rules and be mindful of traffic, especially if not used to cycling in busy urban areas.

Are pedestrian areas well-marked and safe from traffic in Amsterdam?

Amsterdam is very pedestrian-friendly, with well-marked crosswalks and traffic signals. Pedestrians should be cautious, especially of cyclists and trams, when walking around the city.

Will the language barrier be an issue in emergencies in Amsterdam?

In Amsterdam, English is widely spoken, especially in tourist areas, hotels, and medical facilities, so language is usually not a barrier in emergencies.

Are there readily available translation services or apps that I can use in Amsterdam?

Translation apps can be helpful for visitors in Amsterdam, although the widespread use of English in the city minimizes the need for translation services in most tourist-related interactions.

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Annual weather in Amsterdam, Amsterdam

Netherlands has a temperate climate with four distinct seasons. Best to visit in spring or fall.

Month Avg Temp (°C) Avg Temp (°F) Rainy Days
January 4 39.2 21
February 4 39.2 16
March 6 42.8 20
April 9 48.2 15
May 12 53.6 16
June 15 59 18
July 17 62.6 18
August 17 62.6 20
September 15 59 19
October 11 51.8 22
November 8 46.4 23
December 5 41 21

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