Is it safe to travel to Puerto Escondido in 2024?

Overall Safety Score: 71

Puerto Escondido, nestled along the Pacific coast of Oaxaca, is a paradise for surfers and beach lovers, known for its stunning beaches like Playa Zicatela. As tourists plan their tropical escape to this laid-back destination, questions such as ‘Is Puerto Escondido safe?’ and ‘Is Puerto Escondido dangerous for tourists?’ often arise, particularly in relation to water activities and exploring the town’s vibrant nightlife.

Our guide offers insights into the safety aspects of Puerto Escondido. It includes important tips on ocean safety for surfers and swimmers, particularly in areas with strong currents. We also provide advice on how to safely enjoy the town’s bustling markets and n

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Travel Risk Levels Puerto Escondido

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Overall Risk Puerto Escondido: Low

León presents a moderate overall risk for travelers. While many areas are safe, caution is advised, especially in less frequented neighborhoods and after dark.

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Transport and Taxi Risk Puerto Escondido: Medium

Use official taxi services or ride-sharing apps in León to avoid risks associated with unregistered taxis. Instances of overcharging and longer routes have been reported.

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Pickpocket Risk Puerto Escondido: Medium

Crowded markets and tourist areas, like the Centro Max Shopping area, are known pickpocket hotspots. Keep valuables close and be cautious with your belongings.

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Physical Crime Risk Puerto Escondido: Low

Nighttime brings higher risks of muggings or assaults in less touristy areas. It’s safer to stay in well-lit, populated zones and avoid walking alone at night.

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Natural Disaster Risk Puerto Escondido: Medium

León lies in a seismic zone, making it prone to earthquakes. Familiarize yourself with safety procedures in your hotel or place of stay.

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Terrorism Risk Puerto Escondido: Low

Terrorism risk is low in León, but as a precaution, stay updated with local and international news during your visit.

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Scams Risk Puerto Escondido: Medium

Beware of counterfeit products, especially in local markets. Tourists are also advised to confirm prices before purchasing to avoid being overcharged.

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Women Travelers Risk Puerto Escondido: Medium

Incidents of catcalling or verbal harassment have been reported by women, particularly in less tourist-centric areas. Solo female travelers should exercise caution.

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Tap Water Risk Puerto Escondido: Medium

Drinking tap water in León is not recommended due to potential health risks. Opt for bottled water for drinking and brushing teeth.

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Public Behavior Risk Puerto Escondido:

León respects public decorum. Avoid loud or rowdy behavior, especially in religious or culturally significant places.

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LGBTQ Acceptance Risk Puerto Escondido: Low

While acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community is growing, public displays of affection might attract unwanted attention. Discretion is advised.

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Police and Officials Corruption Risk Puerto Escondido: Medium

Instances of police corruption, such as soliciting bribes, can occur. Always carry identification and adhere to traffic laws to avoid any issues.

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Business Risk Puerto Escondido: Low

León offers opportunities in various sectors, especially leather and footwear. However, navigating local business customs and bureaucratic procedures can be challenging.

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Travel FAQs for Puerto Escondido

Is Puerto Escondido safe for tourists?

Puerto Escondido is generally considered safe for tourists. It's popular for its beautiful beaches and laid-back atmosphere. However, as with any tourist destination, visitors should exercise standard safety precautions, such as avoiding isolated areas at night and keeping an eye on personal belongings.

Are there any particular areas of Puerto Escondido that are considered unsafe?

Most of Puerto Escondido, especially the main tourist areas like Zicatela Beach and La Punta, are safe for visitors. Caution should be taken in less populated or remote areas, especially after dark.

What are the safest areas to stay in Puerto Escondido?

Tourist areas such as Zicatela, Carrizalillo, and around the town center are popular and considered safe for accommodations. These areas offer a variety of hotels and hostels, and are well-frequented by tourists.

Are police officers and emergency services in Puerto Escondido responsive?

Police and emergency services in Puerto Escondido are generally responsive, especially in the main tourist areas. Visitors can contact local authorities or their accommodation providers in case of an emergency.

Is there a tourist police service in Puerto Escondido or any support service for tourists who experience crime?

While there isn't a specific tourist police in Puerto Escondido, the local police are accustomed to assisting tourists and are generally helpful in addressing concerns or incidents involving visitors.

What medical services are available for tourists in Puerto Escondido?

Puerto Escondido has medical clinics and a hospital that can attend to basic medical needs. For more serious medical concerns, visitors may need to travel to a larger city. It's recommended to have travel health insurance.

Do I need any particular vaccinations before going to Puerto Escondido?

There are no specific vaccination requirements for Puerto Escondido. However, standard travel vaccinations such as Hepatitis A, Typhoid, and routine vaccinations are often recommended. Always consult with a healthcare provider before traveling.

How do I access a pharmacy or a doctor in Puerto Escondido if I need one?

Pharmacies are readily available in Puerto Escondido, particularly in the central area and near tourist zones. For medical consultations, tourists can visit local clinics or the hospital. Many hotels and guesthouses can also provide assistance in finding healthcare services.

What should I do if I find myself near a demonstration when in Puerto Escondido?

If you encounter a demonstration in Puerto Escondido, it's advisable to maintain a safe distance and avoid involvement. Demonstrations are usually peaceful but can disrupt local transport and services.

How can I ensure my accommodation is in a safe area of Puerto Escondido?

Staying in well-known tourist areas like Zicatela, La Punta, or near the town center is advisable for safety. These areas are popular among tourists and offer various accommodation options with good security.

Are nightclubs and late-night venues in Puerto Escondido safe?

The nightlife in Puerto Escondido is relatively safe, particularly in popular tourist areas. However, visitors should always be mindful of their surroundings, take care of their personal belongings, and avoid walking alone late at night.

Is it safe to walk back to my accommodation at night?

Walking at night in well-lit and tourist-populated areas of Puerto Escondido can be safe. Nevertheless, it's generally safer to use a taxi or other transportation services, particularly if you are unfamiliar with the area.

What facilities are available for children's safety in Puerto Escondido?

Puerto Escondido offers various family-friendly beaches and attractions. While general safety measures are in place, it's important for parents to closely supervise their children, especially near water and in crowded areas.

Are there any specific areas in Puerto Escondido or attractions that are not recommended for children?

Most areas and attractions in Puerto Escondido are suitable for families with children. However, parents should exercise caution at beaches with strong currents and when engaging in water sports.

Is it safe to cycle around Puerto Escondido?

Cycling can be a pleasant way to explore Puerto Escondido, especially in less busy areas. However, cyclists should be cautious on main roads and in areas with heavy traffic.

Are pedestrian areas well-marked and safe from traffic in Puerto Escondido?

Pedestrian areas in central Puerto Escondido and along the beachfront are generally safe. However, pedestrians should always be cautious when crossing streets and stay aware in areas with mixed traffic.

Will the language barrier be an issue in emergencies in Puerto Escondido?

In emergency situations in Puerto Escondido, English-speaking personnel might not always be readily available. Knowing some basic Spanish phrases, or having a translation app, can be helpful in such situations.

Are there readily available translation services or apps that I can use in Puerto Escondido?

Translation apps can be quite useful for visitors in Puerto Escondido who do not speak Spanish. These apps can assist in everyday communication and help overcome language barriers in various situations.

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Annual weather in Puerto Escondido, Puerto Escondido

Puerto Escondido, a laid-back coastal town in Oaxaca, is graced with a warm tropical climate. With temperatures averaging around 28°C (82°F) annually, this destination is a favorite for sun-seekers and surf enthusiasts. The wet season peaks from June to October, while the rest of the year is dry, offering endless sunny days on its famous beaches.

The table below shows the monthly temperature variations and average rainy days in Puerto Escondido, equipping you with the insights to choose the best time for your visit, whether you're after the vibrant surf swells of the rainy season or the calm, balmy breezes of the dry months.

Month Temp. (°C) Temp. (°F) Rainy Days
January 23/30 73/86 2
February 23/31 73/88 2
March 24/31 75/88 1
April 25/32 77/90 1
May 26/32 79/90 3
June 26/31 79/88 14
July 25/31 77/88 13
August 25/31 77/88 12
September 25/31 77/88 15
October 25/31 77/88 10
November 24/31 75/88 4
December 24/30 75/86 3

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