Is it safe to travel to Dubrovnik in 2024?

Overall Safety Score: 79

Dubrovnik, Croatia’s dazzling gem on the Dalmatian coast, is embraced by the stunning azure of the Adriatic Sea. Dubrovnik’s safety record is as impressive as its beauty, with the city making considerable investments in ensuring the well-being of its visitors. The medieval streets, watched over by the robust Fort Lovrijenac, are a testament to the city’s low crime rate and the efficacy of its security measures.

Venturing through Dubrovnik offers more than just a walk through history; its cable car to Mount Srđ provides sweeping views in a secure setting, while the tranquil Lapad Bay is a place of respite for locals and tourists alike. The city’s transport options, including its reliable bus services, allow for safe and convenient travel to and from its numerous attractions. Dubrovnik’s commitment to preserving both its historical treasures and the safety of those who come to admire them ensures a visit that’s as safe as it is mesmerizing.

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Travel Risk Levels Dubrovnik

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Overall Risk Dubrovnik: Low

Dubrovnik is generally a safe city for tourists, though staying vigilant, especially in crowded areas, is advisable due mainly to pickpocketing.

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Transport and Taxi Risk Dubrovnik: Low

While public transport is reliable, the city buses can get overcrowded during summer months. Taxis are a safe option, but ensure to use official taxi services or reputable apps to avoid scams.

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Pickpocket Risk Dubrovnik: Medium

The most common issue in Dubrovnik is pickpocketing, particularly in high-traffic areas like Ploče Gate or Stradun. Keep an eye on your personal belongings and beware of distractions often used by thieves.

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Physical Crime Risk Dubrovnik: Low

Instances of physical or assault crime are rare, but it’s prudent to avoid dimly lit and secluded areas, especially at night. Stick to well-lit, busier streets and public places.

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Natural Disaster Risk Dubrovnik: Low

Dubrovnik is not particularly prone to natural disasters. However, occasional strong winds, known as ‘Bura,’ and sudden storms may occur, so check the weather forecast if planning outdoor activities.

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Terrorism Risk Dubrovnik: Low

Terrorism risk is low, but given Dubrovnik’s popularity as a tourist destination, it’s wise to remain aware of your surroundings and any travel advisories.

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Scams Risk Dubrovnik: Low

Be aware of overpricing in some restaurants and shops, particularly in the Old Town area. Always check prices or menus before ordering. Street vendors might also try to sell overpriced souvenirs.

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Women Travelers Risk Dubrovnik: Low

Women traveling solo in Dubrovnik generally feel safe. However, standard precautions are advised, such as not walking alone late at night in less crowded areas.

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Tap Water Risk Dubrovnik: Low

Tap water in Dubrovnik is safe and potable. However, due to different mineral compositions from what some might be used to, bottled water is also widely available.

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Public Behavior Risk Dubrovnik:

Public behavior should be respectful and considerate of local culture. Noise levels should be kept low near residential areas, and respectful attire is advised when visiting religious sites.

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LGBTQ Acceptance Risk Dubrovnik: Low

While Dubrovnik is becoming more welcoming of the LGBTQ+ community, it’s best to exercise discretion in public displays of affection, especially in less tourist-centric areas.

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Police and Officials Corruption Risk Dubrovnik: Low

Police presence is noticeable and generally effective in Dubrovnik. Instances of corruption affecting tourists are not common.

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Business Risk Dubrovnik: Low

The business environment in Dubrovnik is centered around tourism and hospitality. Understanding local market demands and cultural nuances can aid in successful business endeavors in the city.

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Dubrovnik Travel FAQs

Is Dubrovnik safe for tourists?

Dubrovnik is generally very safe for tourists. It's known for its low crime rate, and visitors can feel secure while exploring the city. However, like in any tourist destination, it's always wise to be cautious with personal belongings.

Are there any particular areas of Dubrovnik that are considered unsafe?

Dubrovnik doesn't have areas that are significantly unsafe for tourists. The Old Town and most tourist spots are very secure. However, it's always prudent to remain alert and cautious, especially at night and in less crowded areas.

What are the safest districts to stay in Dubrovnik?

Staying within the Old Town or in the nearby areas like Ploče and Lapad is recommended for tourists. These areas are not only safe but also conveniently located near major attractions.

Are police officers and emergency services in Dubrovnik responsive?

The police and emergency services in Dubrovnik are reliable and responsive. In case of emergency, dial 112 for immediate assistance.

Is there a tourist police service in Dubrovnik or any support service for tourists who experience crime?

While Dubrovnik does not have a dedicated tourist police, the regular police force is accustomed to assisting tourists. English-speaking officers and tourist information centers can provide help if needed.

What medical services are available for tourists in Dubrovnik?

Dubrovnik offers good medical care for tourists. There are several clinics and a general hospital in the city. Pharmacies are readily available, and many hotel receptions can provide assistance in finding medical services.

Do I need any particular vaccinations before going to Dubrovnik?

There are no specific vaccination requirements for entering Croatia. However, it’s always a good idea to be up-to-date with your routine vaccinations before traveling.

How do I access a pharmacy or a doctor in Dubrovnik if I need one?

Pharmacies (‘Ljekarne’ in Croatian) are easy to find in Dubrovnik, especially around the Old Town and major tourist areas. For medical consultations, tourists can visit local clinics or the Dubrovnik General Hospital.

What should I do if I find myself near a demonstration when in Dubrovnik?

Demonstrations are rare in Dubrovnik, but if you do encounter one, it's typically best to keep a safe distance. Most demonstrations in Croatia are peaceful.

How can I ensure my accommodation is in a safe area of Dubrovnik?

Choose accommodations in well-reviewed areas, particularly in or around the Old Town, Ploče, and Lapad. These areas are safe and also conveniently located for sightseeing and amenities.

Are nightclubs and late-night venues in Dubrovnik safe?

Nightlife in Dubrovnik is generally safe. Like in any city, it's advised to keep an eye on your belongings, be cautious with your drinks, and stay in groups or well-populated areas.

Is it safe to walk back to my accommodation at night?

Walking at night in Dubrovnik, particularly in the Old Town and main tourist areas, is generally safe. Streets are well-lit and frequently patrolled, but it's always good to be aware of your surroundings.

What facilities are available for children's safety in Dubrovnik?

Dubrovnik is a family-friendly destination, offering various attractions and amenities that cater to children. Public places like parks and beaches are safe and well-maintained for family activities.

Are there any specific areas in Dubrovnik or attractions that are not recommended for children?

Most tourist attractions in Dubrovnik are suitable for children. However, parents should be mindful of the terrain in certain historical sites, as some might have steep steps or uneven surfaces that could be challenging for younger children.

Is it safe to cycle around Dubrovnik?

Cycling in Dubrovnik is enjoyable, especially in areas like Lapad Peninsula. However, the Old Town's historic core is pedestrian-only and can be crowded, making cycling there impractical.

Are pedestrian areas well-marked and safe from traffic in Dubrovnik?

The Old Town of Dubrovnik is a pedestrian-only zone, making it safe and pleasant for walking. Other pedestrian areas in the city are also generally safe, but it's always good to be cautious at crossings.

Will the language barrier be an issue in emergencies in Dubrovnik?

In Dubrovnik, many people, especially those working in tourist sectors, speak English. In emergencies, medical and emergency personnel usually have enough English proficiency to assist international tourists.

Are there readily available translation services or apps that I can use in Dubrovnik?

Translation apps can be helpful in Dubrovnik, particularly for complex conversations. English is widely spoken in tourist areas, so language barriers are generally minimal for basic interactions.

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Annual weather in Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik

Croatia has a temperate climate, with warm summers and cool winters. The average temperature in Croatia ranges from -5°C (23°F) in January to 25°C (77°F) in July. The wettest months are May and June, when rainfall can average over 100mm (4 inches) per month. The weather in Croatia can feel warm and sunny during the summer months and cool and crisp during the winter months. It is important to pack for all types of weather when visiting Croatia, as the weather can change quickly.

Month Avg Temp (°C) Avg Temp (°F) Avg Rain (mm)
January 8.5 47.3 95
February 8.8 47.8 81
March 10.5 50.9 85
April 13.5 56.3 104
May 18.0 64.4
June 21.5 70.7 62
July 24.5 76.1 38
August 24.4 75.9
September 20.8 69.4
October 16.3 61.3
November 12.2 54.0
December 9.7 49.5

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