Is it safe to travel to Gibraltar in 2024?

Overall Safety Score: 81

Visiting Gibraltar, a British Overseas Territory perched at the crossroads of Europe and Africa, becomes an enriching experience when you take precautions to ensure your travel is safe and familiarize yourself with potential risks. Gibraltar’s iconic Rock, bustling streets, and maritime history provide a distinctive set of tourist attractions. This guide not only addresses safety concerns but also encourages you to explore the unique blend of cultures and history that define this Mediterranean gem.

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Travel Risk Levels Gibraltar

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Overall Risk Gibraltar: Low

In Gibraltar, the overall risk is quite low, making it a preferred destination for many tourists. The country boasts a robust security infrastructure and a welcoming environment for visitors.

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Transport and Taxi Risk Gibraltar: Low

Transport in Gibraltar, including taxis, is generally safe and reliable. However, visitors should always ensure taxi meters are used or agree on a fare before embarking on a trip.

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Pickpocket Risk Gibraltar: Low

Pickpocketing is rare in Gibraltar, but it's always prudent to be cautious, especially in crowded areas. Always secure your belongings.

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Physical Crime Risk Gibraltar: Low

Gibraltar, a British Overseas Territory, boasts a low crime rate. However, like any tourist destination, petty crime such as pickpocketing can occur. Violent crime is extremely rare. Tourists should exercise basic precautions, particularly in crowded areas.

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Natural Disaster Risk Gibraltar: Low

Natural disasters in Gibraltar are infrequent. It's always a good idea to stay updated on local weather conditions during your visit, especially if engaging in outdoor activities.

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Terrorism Risk Gibraltar: Low

Terrorism risk is low in Gibraltar. However, global events mean that travelers should remain alert to the global context and any local security advisories.

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Scams Risk Gibraltar: Low

Scams targeting tourists are uncommon in Gibraltar, but visitors should always remain vigilant and be cautious when dealing with strangers or unsolicited offers.

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Women Travelers Risk Gibraltar: Low

Gibraltar is generally safe for women travelers. As always, it's recommended to exercise common sense and avoid poorly lit or secluded areas at night.

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Tap Water Risk Gibraltar: Low

The tap water in Gibraltar is safe to drink. However, travelers with sensitive stomachs might prefer bottled water.

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Public Behavior Risk Gibraltar: Low

Public behavior in Gibraltar is in line with Western European standards. It's essential to be respectful and adhere to local customs and norms.

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LGBTQ Acceptance Risk Gibraltar: Low

Gibraltar has a progressive stance towards LGBTQ rights, and there's a broad acceptance of the LGBTQ community. However, it's always best to be aware of local sentiments and customs.

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Police and Officials Corruption Risk Gibraltar: Low

Corruption among police and officials in Gibraltar is rare. The territory maintains a high level of professionalism within its institutions.

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Business Risk Gibraltar: Low

Gibraltar offers a stable and secure environment for business. However, as with any international dealings, it's essential to be aware of local laws, customs, and business etiquettes.

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An example of something bad that can happen travelling to Gibraltar

The Traffic Hold-up: Gibraltar's Feathered Residents

Gibraltar, known for its towering Rock and rich maritime history, is also home to another attraction that tourists flock to see – its population of Barbary macaques. However, these playful primates can sometimes cause unexpected disruptions for the unprepared traveler.

Lucia, a Spanish traveler, had planned a day trip to Gibraltar to explore its unique blend of British and Mediterranean influences. With a tight itinerary in mind, she wanted to make the most of her limited time. One of her main goals was to reach the top of the Rock to enjoy the panoramic views of the Strait of Gibraltar.

Having rented a car, she started her ascent, but halfway up, found herself in an unexpected traffic jam. Ahead, a group of Barbary macaques had decided the road was the perfect place for their midday play. Cars halted as the macaques jumped on bonnets, peeked into windows, and chased each other around, seemingly oblivious to the human-made gridlock they were causing.

Lucia soon realized that honking or trying to move could stress the animals, potentially leading to aggressive behavior. Instead, she, like others, waited patiently, taking this opportunity to watch the antics of Gibraltar's famed residents up close.

After a delightful, albeit unplanned, 30-minute 'macaque show', the road finally cleared. Lucia reached the summit a bit behind schedule but with an unforgettable travel tale. The unexpected delay taught her the importance of factoring in 'wild card' events when traveling, especially in places where human and wildlife territories intertwine.

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Safe Places

Be advised this list does not advise the cities/towns are safe for all tourists, safety is still relative to the country itself.

What are the safest places to visit in Gibraltar?

  • The Rock of Gibraltar: A prominent landmark with the Upper Rock Nature Reserve, St. Michael's Cave, and the famous Barbary macaques.
  • Main Street: The heart of Gibraltar's shopping and cultural scene.
  • Gibraltar Museum: Showcases the region's rich history, archaeology, and heritage.
  • Europa Point: Offers panoramic views, a lighthouse, and the Ibrahim-al-Ibrahim Mosque.
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Travel Tips

Useful Tips When Travelling in Gibraltar

Currency: Gibraltar uses the Gibraltar pound (GIP), which is pegged at par value to the British pound (GBP). British pound notes and coins are also accepted, but Gibraltar pounds might not be accepted in the UK. ATMs and card payments are widely available.

Language: English is the official language, and nearly everyone speaks it. Spanish is also understood by many due to Gibraltar's proximity to Spain.

Historical Sites: Visit the Moorish Castle, which dates back to the 11th century, and the Great Siege Tunnels, which offer insight into Gibraltar's military history.

Visas: Gibraltar is not part of the Schengen Area. Most European citizens can enter with an ID card or passport, but it's always advisable to check visa requirements before travel. The border with Spain can sometimes experience delays, so be prepared if crossing over.

Local Etiquette: Gibraltarians are friendly and welcoming. Standard European customs apply, and it's polite to greet with a handshake. Tipping is similar to the UK, with a 10% tip common in restaurants.

Top Attractions: The Rock of Gibraltar is a must-visit, offering stunning views and the famous Barbary macaques. St. Michael's Cave is another highlight, with impressive stalactites and stalagmites.

Connectivity: Gibraltar has excellent mobile and internet connectivity. Roaming charges for EU mobile users have been abolished, but always check with your provider. Free Wi-Fi spots are available in various locations.

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Annual weather in Gibraltar, Gibraltar

Gibraltar has a Mediterranean climate, with warm, dry summers and mild, wet winters. The average temperature in Gibraltar ranges from 15°C (59°F) in January to 25°C (77°F) in July. The wettest months are November to January, when rainfall can average over 100mm (4 inches) per month. The weather in Gibraltar can feel warm and sunny during the summer months and mild and wet during the winter months. It is important to pack for all types of weather when visiting Gibraltar, as the weather can change quickly.

Month Avg Temp (°C) Avg Temp (°F) Avg Rain (mm)
January 13.4 56.1 120
February 13.6 56.5 90
March 14.5 58.1 70
April 15.7 60.3 44
May 18.0 64.4 24
June 21.0 69.8 10
July 23.2 73.8 1
August 24.0 75.2 4
September 22.7 72.9 20
October 19.6 67.3 67
November 16.2 61.2 141
December 14.0 57.2 121

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