Is it safe to travel to Jordan in 2024?

Overall Safety Score: 66

Embarking on a journey to Jordan, a Middle Eastern nation known for its historical treasures and diverse landscapes, can be an enriching adventure when you prioritize safety. From the ancient city of Petra to the vast desert landscapes and warm hospitality, Jordan offers a wide range of experiences. This guide aims to help you make the most of your trip while staying safe in this enchanting country.

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Travel Risk Levels Jordan

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Overall Risk Jordan: Medium

Jordan, with its rich history and iconic landmarks like Petra, draws many tourists. Generally, the country is seen as one of the safer destinations in the region, but travelers should remain cautious and informed.

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Transport and Taxi Risk Jordan: Medium

Transport in Jordan is relatively safe. However, driving standards might differ from what travelers from Western countries are used to. Taxis are abundant, but it's best to use reputable services or ensure the meter is on during journeys.

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Pickpocket Risk Jordan: Medium

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Physical Crime Risk Jordan: Medium

Ireland boasts low levels of violent crime, but occasional incidents can occur, particularly in urban areas late at night. Tourists should remain vigilant, especially when frequenting pubs or nightlife areas, though the risk remains minimal.

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Natural Disaster Risk Jordan: Low

Natural disasters in Jordan are relatively rare. However, the country can experience flash floods, especially in areas like Petra. Tourists should heed local advisories and avoid valleys during heavy rain.

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Terrorism Risk Jordan: Medium

Though Jordan has made significant efforts in counter-terrorism, the Middle East's unpredictable nature means there's some risk. Always stay updated on local news and avoid political gatherings or protests.

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Scams Risk Jordan: Medium

Travelers might face scams like inflated taxi fares or being overcharged at local markets. It's a good idea to clarify prices upfront and be wary of unsolicited offers.

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Women Travelers Risk Jordan: Medium

Jordan is quite progressive by regional standards, but solo female travelers should still exercise caution. Dressing modestly and avoiding undue attention can help in ensuring a hassle-free experience.

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Tap Water Risk Jordan: Medium

While tap water in urban areas of Jordan is treated, it might not be suitable for all travelers' consumption. Bottled water is recommended.

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Public Behavior Risk Jordan: Medium

Jordanians are hospitable but also value respect. Inappropriate public behavior, especially during the holy month of Ramadan, can be frowned upon. It's essential to be aware of local customs and dress modestly.

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LGBTQ Acceptance Risk Jordan: High

LGBTQ rights in Jordan are a complex issue. While homosexuality isn't illegal, societal views can be conservative, especially outside urban centers. Discretion is advised.

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Police and Officials Corruption Risk Jordan: Medium

While Jordan has made strides in transparency, travelers might still encounter bureaucratic delays or occasional corruption. Always ensure interactions with officials are legitimate and be cautious about paying any 'on-the-spot' fines.

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Business Risk Jordan: Low

Business in Jordan is about relationships. While the country is keen on foreign investment, understanding local customs and having local contacts can aid in navigating business dealings.

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An example of something bad that can happen travelling to Jordan

Desert Dilemmas: A Traveler's Misstep in Wadi Rum

Jordan, with its ancient cities and mesmerizing landscapes, has been a focal point for travelers for many years. Among its iconic destinations is the vast desert expanse of Wadi Rum, also known as the Valley of the Moon. This dramatic desert wilderness is famed for its Martian-like terrain, towering cliffs, and rich Bedouin heritage. However, its vastness can pose challenges for the unprepared traveler.

Mark, a backpacker from Canada, embarked on a solo journey to explore Wadi Rum's dunes and canyons. Equipped with a map and driven by his adventurous spirit, he opted to traverse a section of the desert without a local guide. As he delved deeper into the sandy abyss, the landscape's repetitive nature began to disorient him. Each dune seemed identical to the last, and the once-clear trails appeared to converge into a maze of sand and rock.

Hours passed, and as the relentless sun began its descent, Mark acknowledged the gravity of his situation: he was lost. With a dwindling water supply and dropping temperatures, he started to signal for help using a flashlight. Miraculously, a Bedouin caravan, returning from a day's journey, noticed the distant flashes.

The group swiftly located Mark and offered him shelter for the night, sharing stories, food, and traditional tea by a campfire. The next morning, they guided him back to the main tourist base, imparting a lesson on the importance of local knowledge and preparedness.

Wadi Rum is a breathtaking testament to nature's raw beauty, but it also serves as a reminder that nature deserves respect. Travelers are encouraged to explore its mysteries, but always with caution, preparation, and preferably, the company of those who know its secrets best.

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Safe Places

Be advised this list does not advise the cities/towns are safe for all tourists, safety is still relative to the country itself.

What are the safest places to visit in Jordan?

  • Amman: The capital with historic sites like the Amman Citadel and the Roman Theater.
  • Petra: The famous archaeological site with rock-cut architecture, including the renowned Al-Khazneh ("The Treasury").
  • Wadi Rum: A protected desert wilderness with dramatic landscapes, known for its Bedouin camps and rock formations.
  • Aqaba: A coastal city on the Red Sea, popular for diving and snorkeling.
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Travel Tips

Useful Tips When Travelling to Saint Helier, Jersey

Currency: Jersey uses the Jersey pound (JEP), which is pegged 1:1 with the British pound (GBP). British pounds are also accepted throughout the island. Credit cards and ATMs are widely available in Saint Helier.

Language: English is the official language of Jersey. However, you might hear Jèrriais, the traditional language of Jersey, especially in rural areas or during local festivities.

Historical Sites: Elizabeth Castle, located in Saint Helier, dates back to the 16th century and offers a journey through the island's history. The Jersey Museum and Art Gallery provides a deep dive into the island's past, from prehistoric times to the present day.

Visas: Jersey follows the UK's visa policies. However, it maintains its own customs and immigration services. Check visa requirements based on your nationality before traveling.

Local Etiquette: Jersey residents are generally friendly and approachable. A nod or a simple greeting is appreciated when passing someone on the street. Politeness and patience are valued, especially in shops and restaurants.

Top Attractions: Besides Elizabeth Castle, consider visiting the Central and Beresford Street markets in Saint Helier. The waterfront area is also delightful, with its marina, gardens, and promenade.

Connectivity: Wi-Fi is widely available in accommodations, eateries, and public spaces. For mobile connectivity, consider purchasing a local SIM card or checking with your service provider about roaming options.

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Annual weather in Amman, Jordan

Jordan is hot, dry summers and mild winters. Best to visit in spring or fall.

Month Avg Temp (°C) Avg Temp (°F) Avg Rain (mm)
January 8.5 47.3 60
February 9.5 49.1 55
March 12.5 54.5 40
April 17.5 63.5 10
May 21.5 70.7 5
June 24.5 76.1 0
July 26.5 79.7 0
August 26.5 79.7 0
September 24.5 76.1 0
October 20.5 68.9 5
November 15.5 59.9 25
December 10.5 50.9 55

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