Is it safe to travel to Panama in 2024?

Overall Safety Score: 66

Exploring Panama, a Central American country known for its unique geography and vibrant culture, can be a fascinating adventure when you prioritize safety during your travels. From the engineering marvel of the Panama Canal to the lush rainforests and charming old town of Casco Viejo, Panama offers a diverse range of experiences. This guide aims to help you make the most of your trip while staying safe in this captivating nation.

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Travel Risk Levels Panama

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Overall Risk Panama: Medium

In Panama, while a popular tourist destination, travelers should exercise caution, especially in urban areas.

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Transport and Taxi Risk Panama: Medium

Public transportation and taxis are generally reliable in Panama, but using registered taxi services and being wary of unlicensed operators is advised.

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Pickpocket Risk Panama: Medium

Tourist hotspots in Panama, like crowded areas, can be targeted by pickpockets. Always keep personal belongings secure.

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Physical Crime Risk Panama: Medium

While most visits to Panama are trouble-free, violent crime incidents can occur. Avoid walking alone at night in unfamiliar areas.

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Natural Disaster Risk Panama: Medium

Panama might face natural disasters such as earthquakes and flooding. It's essential to stay updated with local alerts.

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Terrorism Risk Panama: Low

Terrorism risk is low in Panama, but it's always wise to stay informed.

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Scams Risk Panama: Medium

Tourists should be cautious of scams. While not rampant, staying vigilant is recommended.

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Women Travelers Risk Panama: Medium

Women traveling to Panama generally find it safe, but solo travelers should always be cautious and avoid isolated areas at night.

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Tap Water Risk Panama: Medium

Tap water in Panama City is generally safe to drink, but it's advisable to consume bottled water in remote areas.

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Public Behavior Risk Panama: Low

Public behavior in Panama is relaxed, but always be respectful towards local customs and traditions.

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LGBTQ Acceptance Risk Panama: Medium

LGBTQ rights are recognized in Panama, but it's always a good practice to be discreet.

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Police and Officials Corruption Risk Panama: Medium

Some areas in Panama might face issues of corruption. Always be cautious and avoid suspicious situations.

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Business Risk Panama: Low

Conducting business in Panama is generally favorable, but understanding local customs and having local contacts can be beneficial.

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An example of something bad that can happen travelling to Panama

The Unexpected Toll in Panama: A Canal Crossing Misadventure

For many, the thought of Panama immediately conjures images of its world-famous canal, an engineering marvel that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. However, for the unprepared traveler, navigating its vicinity can sometimes present unexpected challenges.

Lucia, an Australian travel blogger with a passion for unique experiences, had meticulously planned her trip to Panama. Eager to witness the massive ships navigating the narrow passage of the Panama Canal, she headed to the Miraflores Locks, a popular viewing spot.

Having spent the morning marveling at the precision with which the ships were maneuvered, Lucia decided to venture closer to the canal's other sections. She had heard of a small ferry that provided a more intimate canal crossing experience and was determined to give it a try. However, what she hadn’t anticipated was the lack of clear signage and the sporadic ferry schedule.

After a lengthy wait under the scorching sun and a couple of missed ferry rides due to being in the wrong queue, Lucia found herself stranded on the opposite side of the canal as night fell. With limited transportation options back to the city and dwindling phone battery, her canal adventure turned into a stressful endeavor.

Fortunately, a local family noticing her distress offered her a ride back to Panama City. Grateful for the unexpected kindness, Lucia left with not just a canal story, but also a tale of Panamanian hospitality. While the canal had been the highlight, it was the warmth of the people that became the heart of her Panamanian journey.

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Safe Places

Be advised this list does not advise the cities/towns are safe for all tourists, safety is still relative to the country itself.

What are the safest places to visit in Panama?

  • Panama City: Known for its modern skyline, historic Casco Viejo, and the iconic Panama Canal.
  • Boquete: A mountain town famous for coffee plantations, lush landscapes, and outdoor activities.
  • Bocas del Toro: A province with a chain of islands, offering beautiful beaches and snorkeling opportunities.
  • San Blas Islands: A group of islands and cays in the Caribbean known for its pristine beaches and indigenous culture.
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Travel Tips

Useful Tips When Travelling to Panama

Currency: The official currency is the Panamanian Balboa (PAB), which is pegged to the US dollar. US dollars are widely accepted, and you may often receive change in a mix of US bills and Panamanian coins.

Language: Spanish is the official language, but English is widely spoken in tourist areas and among the business community.

Historical Sites: Casco Viejo, the historic district of Panama City, boasts colonial-era landmarks and architecture. Panama Viejo is the old city's remaining part, which was sacked by pirates in the 17th century.

Visas: Most tourists from the U.S., Canada, and the EU do not require a visa for stays up to 90 days. However, ensure you have a valid passport and a return or onward ticket.

Local Etiquette: Panamanians are warm and friendly. When greeting, a handshake is standard, and it's polite to say "Buenos días" (Good morning) or "Buenas tardes" (Good afternoon/evening).

Top Attractions: The Panama Canal is a must-visit. Other attractions include the San Blas Islands, Bocas del Toro, and the cloud forests of Boquete.

Connectivity: Mobile and internet connectivity is generally good in cities and popular tourist areas. Consider purchasing a local SIM card for more cost-effective data and calling rates.

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Annual weather in Panama City, Panama

Panama has a tropical climate with hot, humid weather all year round. Best to visit during the dry season (December to April).

Month Avg Temp (°C) Avg Temp (°F) Rainy Days
January 27 81 5
February 27 81 4
March 28 82 5
April 28 82 7
May 28 82 18
June 27 81 19
July 27 81 19
August 27 81 19
September 26 79 19
October 26 79 22
November 27 81 21
December 27 81 12

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