Is it safe to travel to Saint Helena in 2024?

Overall Safety Score: 83
ISO: Ascension and Tristan da Cunha

Embarking on a journey to Saint Helena, a remote British Overseas Territory in the South Atlantic, can be an adventurous experience when you prioritize safety. From the unique landscapes and endemic flora and fauna to the historical sites associated with Napoleon’s exile, Saint Helena offers a one-of-a-kind destination. This guide aims to help you stay safe while exploring this remote and intriguing territory.

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Travel Risk Levels Saint Helena

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Overall Risk Saint Helena: Low

Saint Helena offers a unique and remote travel experience, ensuring safety and a laid-back environment for tourists. It is one of the least-populated territories on Earth, ensuring a peaceful journey for those who venture there.

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Transport and Taxi Risk Saint Helena: Low

Transportation options on Saint Helena are limited but generally reliable. Taxis are scarce, and it's advisable to pre-arrange transport or consider renting a vehicle. Roads can be narrow and winding, so caution is needed.

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Pickpocket Risk Saint Helena: Low

The island boasts a tight-knit community where everyone knows everyone. This close connection means that pickpocketing is almost unheard of. However, as always, it's wise to look after personal belongings.

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Physical Crime Risk Saint Helena: Low

Violent crimes are extremely rare on Saint Helena. The local community is welcoming, and tourists typically feel safe at all hours.

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Natural Disaster Risk Saint Helena: Medium

Being an island, Saint Helena might occasionally face adverse weather conditions, particularly during the rainy season. Travelers should stay updated with local forecasts when planning outdoor activities.

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Terrorism Risk Saint Helena: Low

There's no history or indications of terrorism on the remote island of Saint Helena. The risk is minimal, making it a peaceful destination.

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Scams Risk Saint Helena: Low

With the island's straightforward and genuine community, scams targeting tourists are almost non-existent. However, it's always a good practice to be informed about local prices and services.

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Women Travelers Risk Saint Helena: Low

Women travelers find Saint Helena to be a safe and respectful destination. Local customs are friendly, and there are no specific concerns or advisories for female tourists.

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Tap Water Risk Saint Helena: Low

The tap water on Saint Helena is safe to drink. It's sourced from natural springs on the island, ensuring its purity and cleanliness.

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Public Behavior Risk Saint Helena: Low

Saint Helena has a reserved and courteous local culture. Tourists are advised to respect local customs and traditions. Public disturbances are uncommon, and it's easy to fit in by observing and following local behavior.

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LGBTQ Acceptance Risk Saint Helena: Low

The community on Saint Helena is generally accepting and non-judgmental. However, like many places, it's advisable for LGBTQ travelers to be aware of local sentiments and act with discretion.

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Police and Officials Corruption Risk Saint Helena: Low

Corruption is not a significant concern on Saint Helena. The local police and officials operate with transparency and are approachable for any assistance or information.

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Business Risk Saint Helena: Medium

While Saint Helena offers unique business opportunities due to its remote location, the market is small and infrastructure is limited. Understanding local regulations and establishing local contacts can be beneficial for any venture.

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An example of something bad that can happen travelling to Saint Helena

Remote Connectivity: The Challenge of Staying Connected in Saint Helena

Located over 1,200 miles from the closest landmass in the South Atlantic Ocean, Saint Helena is a remote British territory, rich in history and natural beauty. Yet, as many travellers discover, its secluded location presents a unique challenge - limited communication connectivity.

Ava ventured to Saint Helena with dreams of diving with whale sharks, exploring the island's volcanic landscapes, and retracing Napoleon's final days. With a packed itinerary, Ava planned to document her adventures daily on her travel blog. She was, however, unprepared for the island's limited internet access.

After checking into her accommodation in Jamestown, Ava was eager to upload her day's photos and journal entry. To her surprise, the internet connection was intermittent and extremely slow. Videos wouldn't stream, and uploading high-resolution photos became a test of patience.

Concerned about staying connected with her followers and family, Ava visited a local café reputed to have the "fastest" internet on the island. While marginally better, she still found herself waiting long minutes for pages to load and emails to send. Conversations with locals revealed that, due to Saint Helena's remoteness, high-speed internet was a luxury, and many residents had adapted to this slower pace of digital communication.

Determined to make the most of her trip, Ava shifted her approach. Instead of daily updates, she began compiling her experiences into weekly entries, choosing select photos and compressing them before uploading. Additionally, she rediscovered the joy of handwritten postcards, sending them out to family and friends as a more personal touch from her journey.

While Saint Helena's beauty and history are undeniable attractions, Ava's visit highlighted a fundamental aspect of travel: the importance of adaptability. In a world where high-speed communication is often taken for granted, Saint Helena offers a gentle reminder of the times when messages took weeks or even months to reach their destination, urging visitors to slow down and truly immerse themselves in the present.

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Safe Places

Be advised this list does not advise the cities/towns are safe for all tourists, safety is still relative to the country itself.

What are the safest places to visit in Saint Helena?

  • Jamestown: The capital, known for the Jacob's Ladder, the Saint Helena Museum, and its Georgian architecture.
  • Longwood House: Once Napoleon's place of exile, now a museum detailing his life.
  • Diana's Peak: The highest point on the island, offering panoramic views and endemic plants.
  • Jonathan the Tortoise: Residing at Plantation House, he's one of the world's oldest living animals.
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Travel Tips

Useful Tips When Travelling to Saint Helena

Currency: The Saint Helena pound (£) is the official currency. It's advisable to have some cash on hand, as not all places accept credit cards. The island also has its own unique coins, which make for great souvenirs.

Language: English is the official language of Saint Helena. The local accent can sometimes be strong, but most locals are friendly and willing to help if you don't understand.

Historical Sites: Longwood House, where Napoleon Bonaparte lived in exile until his death, is a must-visit. The island also hosts several forts and batteries that tell the tale of its strategic importance in naval history.

Visas: Saint Helena is a British Overseas Territory. While many nationals can visit without a visa for short periods, it's essential to check visa requirements before your trip.

Local Etiquette: Saint Helena has a close-knit community, and respect for local customs and traditions is appreciated. Always greet locals with a friendly "hello" when passing them on the street.

Top Attractions: Apart from historical sites, don't miss the spectacular views from Diana's Peak, the Heart Shaped Waterfall, and the unique endemic plant life in various protected areas.

Connectivity: Internet access is available but can be slow and expensive. Local SIM cards can be purchased for mobile coverage, but always check with your provider about roaming charges.

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Annual weather in Jamestown, Saint Helena

Saint Helena has a tropical climate with hot, humid weather all year round. Best to visit during the dry season (May to October).

Month Avg Temp (°C) Avg Temp (°F) Rainy Days
January 23 73 6
February 24 75 6
March 24 75 7
April 23 73 10
May 22 72 11
June 20 68 9
July 19 66 9
August 19 66 8
September 20 68 7
October 21 70 5
November 22 72 5
December 23 73 6

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