Welcome to Uxmal: A Gateway to an Ancient Mayan Civilization in Mexico

Uxmal Pyramid of the Magician 640

Safely venture off the beaten path to Uxmal, an ancient Mayan marvel tucked away less than a two-hour drive south of Merida in the Yucatan. This site, a treasure trove for the discerning traveler, boasts remarkable architecture and profound historical significance. Journeying to Uxmal is as seamless as it is scenic, with open roads leading … Read more

How the drug wars are affecting Mexico’s tourist safety

mexico dw

The drug wars in Mexico continue to be a major issue with far-reaching impacts across the country. Various cartels vie for control over lucrative drug trafficking routes and territories. The primary actors in these conflicts include the Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generacion (CJNG) and the Sinaloa Cartel, although other significant criminal organizations like Los Zetas, Gulf … Read more